
ICD-10 Halloween Edition: the Mysterious, the Spooky, and the Bizarre

Happy Halloween, health care aficionados! On this day of candy, costumes, and frights, be on the lookout for some of these bizarre halloween-related incidents that may require ICD-10 codes. But I wouldn't get too comfortable with these codes just yet. Rumor has it that the latest revision to the International Classification of Diseases, or ICD as we fondly know it, is underway and the final ICD-11 will be released sometime in 2018. By this time next year, you could be looking at a new list of these unusual ICDs.

W49.01 - Hair causing external constriction, initial encounter
While wigs are a great addition to any Tina Turner, Cher, clown, or heavy metal ensemble, remember to double check the sizing before placing on head.

R44.1 - Visual hallucinations
It's not real, it's not real, it's not real.

X99.2 - Assault by sword or dagger
Your eight-year-old sure looks adorable in that knight costume but that plastic prop could do some real damage.

Z62.891 - Sibling rivalry
They can't both be Elsa from Frozen. It just won't end well.

W54.0 - Bitten by dog
You may love the idea of putting fido into a hot dog costume but he may have other ideas.

W22.02 -Walked into lamp post, initial encounter
Removing face masks while walking around at night might save you from bumping into those pesky lamp posts that may or may not have come out of nowhere.

Y93.D2 - Injury due to activity, sewing
Last-minute unicorn onesie costume alterations may result in injury.

R46.1 - Bizarre personal appearance
It's Halloween. Who doesn't this apply to?

Y93.D - Injury due to activities involving arts and crafts
Watch that hot glue gun when bedazzling your costume.

K03.81 - Cracked tooth
Trade in those Smarties and Jaw Breakers for Milky Ways and taffy.

Y93.75 - Injury due to activity, martial arts
Give sugar to your tiny ninja at your own risk.

Y04.1 - Human bite, initial encounter
It's all fun and games until someone takes their Twilight costume too literally.

A28.1 - Cat-scratch disease
See a black cat? Don't let it cross your path. Don't engage.

R10.84 - Generalized abdominal pain
...regretting that twentieth Reese's peanut butter cup...

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To find out more about pMD's suite of products, which includes our charge capture and MIPS registry, billing services, telehealth, and secure communication software and services, please contact pMD.

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